© 2009 – 2019 EventPlanners ApS. All rights reserved.
business hours:
Monday – Friday
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
EventPlanners ApS
Tuborg Boulevard 12, 3rd Floor
DK-2900 Hellerup
CVR: 37104493
Whatever you wish for your event, let EventPlanners take a look at it. We are aware that you have thought a lot about what you think you might want, so now you need an event manager, either for the complete event or for parts of it. Together with you, EventPlanners will look into what options are available, and present our draft for the task and how it should be accomplished.
The typical events we have handled as corporate events are listed by category. However, this does not imply that other types of events are not welcome. We occasionally receive requests for events not listed in our catalogue. EventPlanners never say ‘No’ to a dialogue about a different task, as long as we are confident that the event can be executed to the customer’s satisfaction.
Working in an area that annually involves more than 1,000 people within conferences, group celebrations or corporate events, we have contributed to the most. This gives us experience and know-how that has taken decades to build and a name and reputation that we care deeply about. Therefore, as a company, you can expect an event agency with a finger on the pulse and a dedicated team, with experience in all aspects of its industry.
All requests – large and small – are welcome at EventPlanners. All inquiries are confiden-tial and are non-binding. This also applies to our offer, regardless of the type of event. EventPlanners endeavours to answer all queries within 24 hours.
Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone (+45) 51 95 80 00
Email: info@eventplanners.dk
In person (Reception)
Tuborg Boulevard 12. 3rd floor
2900 Hellerup
© 2009 – 2019 EventPlanners ApS. All rights reserved.
Monday – Friday
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
EventPlanners ApS
Tuborg Boulevard 12, 3rd Floor
DK-2900 Hellerup
CVR: 37104493