© 2009 – 2019 EventPlanners ApS. All rights reserved.
business hours:
Monday – Friday
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
EventPlanners ApS
Tuborg Boulevard 12, 3rd Floor
DK-2900 Hellerup
CVR: 37104493
The actual difference between a seminar and a conferenceis the level of work and the intensity. The seminar extends over several days and feels more demanding and profound. Content may vary, but usually consists of elements such as teaching, group work, presentations, discussions, and lectures. The gain is often experienced as more prominent, as the participants’ work is more focused and concentrated during the seminar.
To ensure the optimal outcome of the seminar, the setting must be the right one. Depending on the company’s idea of the seminar, the setting can be anything from an isolated, undisturbed place, with room for thought and contemplation, to the inner city, with logistical benefits and room for many participants. The right setting creates the best prerequisite for absorbing the content of the seminar, and in our experience, the participants will react accordingly.
Being able to focus solely on the content of your seminar is a relief for any company. You have no worries about practical and logistical matters and focus on gains remains first priority. We are with you all along and will put together an excellent seminar within your planned budget. All elements are planned to the tiniest detail in close cooperation with the company and its needs.
All requests – large and small – are welcome at EventPlanners. All inquiries are confiden-tial and are non-binding. This also applies to our offer, regardless of the type of event. EventPlanners endeavours to answer all queries within 24 hours.
Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone (+45) 51 95 80 00
Email: info@eventplanners.dk
In person (Reception)
Tuborg Boulevard 12. 3rd floor
2900 Hellerup
© 2009 – 2019 EventPlanners ApS. All rights reserved.
Monday – Friday
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
EventPlanners ApS
Tuborg Boulevard 12, 3rd Floor
DK-2900 Hellerup
CVR: 37104493